When Should I See An Endocrinologist?

An endocrinologist is the type of specialist that should see when you feel that something is wrong hormonally in your body. Hormones affect your mood, weight, metabolism, body temperature, thirst, hunger, and more. Here at EDC Weight Management, Dr. Gulnaz Mirza, an endocrinologist in Boynton Beach, FL, treats all types of hormonal disorders. She will find out what is causing your hormones to be over or underproduced and will recommend the best treatment strategy to bring your hormones back to normal levels.

What symptoms would warrant a visit to an endocrinologist?

Certain symptoms may be the result of abnormal levels of hormones circulating in your body. These are:

  • Excessive hair loss or growth, or breaking and brittle hair
  • Rapid weight change
  • Bone or joint pain
  • Significant mood swings
  • Extreme lack of energy
  • Excessive energy, and feeling jittery and shaky
  • Excessive urination
  • Decreased libido
  • Changes to the menstrual cycle
  • Frequent infections
  • Drastic swings in feeling hot or cold
  • Insomnia

What conditions does an endocrinologist treat?

Sometimes, a visit to an endocrinologist may be a one-time visit to check your hormone levels and get advice. But more often than not, the reasons that require seeing an endocrinologist will also require follow-up visits and long-term care to make sure that your hormones remain within acceptable levels. Some conditions that require expert care from a specialist such as Dr. Mirza, an endocrinologist in Boynton Beach, FL are:

  • Diabetes: Whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2, care from an endocrinologist is critical. Diabetes is the most common reason that people seek care from an endocrinologist. Type 1 diabetes is a condition that you are born with that involves your pancreas and a lack of production of the hormone insulin. Type 2 diabetes is usually a condition that is developed later in life due to obesity and involves a dysregulation of the processing of insulin, or insulin resistance.
  • Thyroid disorders: An overactive or underactive thyroid is also a common cause of needing the care of an endocrinologist. Higher or lower than normal levels of thyroid hormone can lead to conditions such as Hashimoto's syndrome or Graves disease, as well as other conditions, and can significantly affect your weight and energy levels. 
  • Polycystic overlay syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a condition that affects a small percentage of reproductive-aged women and involves abnormal menstrual hormones and insulin resistance.
  • Low testosterone: An accurate diagnosis of your body producing less than average amounts of the testosterone hormone is vital before pursuing testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Obesity: Obesity is so much more than a concern about the way one looks. It is a complex, serious health issue that is often the result of abnormal hormone issues and may require lifelong treatment.
  • Fertility issues and menopause

Contact us

Our endocrinologist in Boynton Beach, FL wants you to get back to feeling like you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mirza from EDC Weight Management by calling (561) 810-8920.

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